Looking for the best proven weight loss method? In this post I share about the healthiest diet which also appears to be the most effective diet for weight loss. I also share the best cookbook for proven weight loss so keep reading to learn more.
What are proven weight loss methods?
- Weight loss methods is a term used to describe the act of doing things to help the body lose excess weight.
- There are many proven weight loss methods, however the best methods for this are ones that can be done long term.
- Losing weight for a brief period of time, then gaining it all back isn’t usually the goal.
- Long term, permanent weight loss is usually the goal.
Proven permanent weight loss foods
This means we need to focus on long term methods for losing weight to be most effective. According to Dr. Michael Greger of nutritionfacts.org, we need to choose the healthiest diet which also appears to be the most effective diet for weight loss.
In his book, “How Not to Diet“, Dr. Greger shares seventeen key ingredients to the ideal weight-loss diet. He dedicated an entire chapter to each.

Based on Dr. Greger’s evidence-based dieting approach, he says the foods we eat, the meals we choose and the entire dietary patterns we use should be:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Free from industrial pollutants
- High in fiber and water
- Low in high-glycemic and addictive foods, added fat and sugar, calorie density, meat refined grains and salt
- Low insulin index
- Friendly to our gut flora
- Satiating
- Rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes
Weight loss that really works
Real foods that grow out of the ground are what Dr. Greger says the evidence suggests for weight loss that really works. He says natural foods that come from fields, not factories are best for permanent weight loss that really works.
According to Dr. Greger’s book, he says:
“We have experimental confirmation: a whole food, plant-based diet was found to be the single most effective weight-loss intervention ever published in the medical literature, proven in a randomized controlled trial with no portion control, no calorie counting, no exercise component – the most effective ever”
That’s right, he’s saying the MOST EFFECTIVE DIET EVER proven for weight loss has been a whole food, plant-based diet, with:
- No portion control
- No calorie counting
- No exercise
Just eating whole, plant-based foods.
Best proven weight loss method
But, beyond just eating this type of diet for weight loss, there are even more proven weight loss methods. Dr. Greger describes even more steps you can take to get your desired results. He describes,
“In the first half of the book [“How Not to Diet“], we learned that a calorie is not a calorie. One hundred calories of chickpeas have a different impact than one hundred calories of chicken or chocolate, based on their different effects on such factors as absorption, appetite or our microbiome.
In the second half, I went a step further and explained how even the exact same foods eaten differently can have different effects. It’s not only what we eat, but how and when.”
Dr. Greger shares the piece of advice that probably best sums up his recommended weight-loss boosters is:
Get as many of your calories from whole, intact plants.
So, how do you do this?
How Not to Diet Cookbook
I recommend checking out the correlating cookbook Dr. Greger published called “How Not to Diet Cookbook“. This cookbook shares exactly which meals fit his recommendations as well as tips for sticking to this diet and how to make it most effective, based in evidence-based nutrition.
Follow the Daily Dozen with me
The basic principles of a whole food, plant-based diet in this book include following the Daily Dozen dietary recommendations by Dr. Greger.
Here’s my video on YouTube explaining “What is the Daily Dozen” and how I follow these recommendations:
Further reading:
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